Gemma is a self-taught artist whose artwork is enjoyed by many animal art collectors all over the world, her artwork is published in numerous books and she’s an Author of Art books. Applying several layers of colored pencils allows Gemma to simulate the look of an oil or acrylic painting each piece can take up to 350 hours to create.
Growing up on a small ranch in Southern California, Gemma Gylling developed her love of nature, animals and creativity. Gemma currently lives in Valley Springs, California with her husband, Bill and their two dogs.
“BFF’s – Save the Elephants”, colored pencil on suede mat board, 16″ x 24″
An avid traveler, Gemma thrives in locals that allow her the opportunity to photograph the wildlife. In addition to most of the United States, Gemma has also traveled to Costa Rica, Alaska, South Africa, Africa and Canada. The reference photos Ms. Gylling uses for her paintings are from her Wildlife Safari trip in South Africa and many other areas.
Gemma, as a signature member of Artists for Conservation, pledges a portion of her sales to Animal Conservation groups including PAWS (Performing Animal Welfare Society) and the National Wildlife Federation. Gemma volunteers as a Docent for the Lions and Elephants at the PAWS Sanctuary in San Andreas, California.
Gemma is also a juried member and signature of Society of Animal Artists, a signature member of the Colored Pencil Society of America and a member of the Placerville Arts Association. She’s been accepted in numerous exhibitions all over the world and has also won several awards in those exhibitions.
When asked what inspires her Gemma says, “The Animals speak to me in a very special way and because of that I try to help them speak to you through my art. I strive to portray the velvet touch of their fur, the sound of their roar or the plight they are living to simply exist”.